Repackaging of medicinal products

High quality and speed are the benchmarks we apply in our repackaging process. We perform a complete re-boxing of medical products in one place, utilizing our pharmaceutical packaging printhouse with serialization services, quality assurance, and repackaging teams. This ensures the entire process flows smoothly, quickly, and cost-effectively. There’s no need to order packaging materials and conduct repackaging in different places, thus eliminating expenses for transportation.

Why choose Actiofarma?

  • Quality of repackaging tested in the Scandinavian market;
  • We offer a full package of medicine repackaging in one place, including packaging materials, quality assurance, repackaging, warehouse, and logistics;
  • Clients can monitor the real-time status of their orders;
  • Quick communication;
  • Serialization services are included in the package.


Repackaging of medicinal products provider | Actiofarma

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